Source code for logical.logical

Callable subclass of the built-in :obj:`tuple <tuple>` type for representing
logical operators and connectives based on their truth tables.

The two nullary, four unary, and sixteen binary operators are available as
attributes of the :obj:`logical` class, and also as constants. Likewise, the
four sets of operators :obj:`logical.nullary`, :obj:`logical.unary`,
:obj:`logical.binary`, and :obj:`logical.every` are available both as attributes
of :obj:`logical` and as exported top-level constants.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Tuple, Union, Optional, Iterable
import doctest
import ast
import itertools
import math

[docs]class logical(tuple): """ Each instance of this class represents a boolean function of ``n`` inputs by specifying its output values across all possible inputs. In other words, an instance represents the *output column* of a truth table for a function (under the assumption that the input vectors to which each output value corresponds are sorted in ascending order). Each instance representing a function that accepts ``n`` inputs must have length ``2 ** n``. For example, consider the truth table below for a boolean function *f* that accepts two inputs: +-----+-----+----------------+ | *x* | *y* | *f* (*x*, *y*) | +-----+-----+----------------+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | +-----+-----+----------------+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | +-----+-----+----------------+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | +-----+-----+----------------+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | +-----+-----+----------------+ The entire function *f* can be represented using the right-most column. For the example function *f* defined by the table above, this can be done in the manner illustrated below. >>> f = logical((1, 0, 1, 0)) >>> f(0, 1) 0 >>> f(1, 0) 1 Pre-defined instances are defined for all nullary, unary and binary functions, and are available as attributes of this class and as top-level constants: * ``()`` = :obj:`logical.undef_` represents **UNDEFINED** (*i.e.*, no inputs and no defined output) * ``(0,)`` = :obj:`logical.nf_` represents **NULLARY FALSE** (*i.e.*, no inputs and a constant output) * ``(1,)`` = :obj:`logical.nt_` represents **NULLARY TRUE** (*i.e.*, no inputs and a constant output) * ``(0, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.uf_` represents **UNARY FALSE** (*i.e.*, a constant output for any one input) * ``(0, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.id_` represents **IDENTITY** * ``(1, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.not_` represents **NOT** * ``(1, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.ut_` represents **UNARY TRUE** (*i.e.*, a constant output for any one input) * ``(0, 0, 0, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.bf_` represents **BINARY FALSE** * ``(0, 0, 0, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.and_` represents **AND** * ``(0, 0, 1, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.nimp_` represents **NIMP** (*i.e.*, ``>``) * ``(0, 0, 1, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.fst_` represents **FST** (*i.e.*, first/left-hand input) * ``(0, 1, 0, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.nif_` represents **NIF** (*i.e.*, ``<``) * ``(0, 1, 0, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.snd_` represents **SND** (*i.e.*, second/right-hand input) * ``(0, 1, 1, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.xor_` represents **XOR** (*i.e.*, ``!=``) * ``(0, 1, 1, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.or_` represents **OR** * ``(1, 0, 0, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.nor_` represents **NOR** * ``(1, 0, 0, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.xnor_` represents **XNOR** (*i.e.*, ``==``) * ``(1, 0, 1, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.nsnd_` represents **NSND** (*i.e.*, negation of second input) * ``(1, 0, 1, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.if_` represents **IF** (*i.e.*, ``>=``) * ``(1, 1, 0, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.nfst_` represents **NFST** (*i.e.*, negation of first input) * ``(1, 1, 0, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.imp_` represents **IMP** (*i.e.*, ``<=``) * ``(1, 1, 1, 0)`` = :obj:`logical.nand_` represents **NAND** * ``(1, 1, 1, 1)`` = :obj:`logical.bt_` represents **BINARY TRUE** >>> logical.xor_(1, 0) 1 >>> and_(1, 0) 0 Because this class is derived from the :obj:`tuple <tuple>` type, all methods and functions that operate on tuples also work with instances of this class. >>> logical((1, 0)) == logical((1, 0)) True >>> logical((1, 0)) == logical((0, 1)) False >>> logical((1, 0))[1] 0 If an attempt is made to create an instance using an iterable that cannot be interpreted as a truth table, an exception is raised. >>> logical(('a', 'b')) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: all entries in supplied truth table must be integers >>> logical((-1, 2)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: all integers in supplied truth table must be 0 or 1 >>> logical((1, 0, 1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: number of elements in supplied truth table must be zero or a power of 2 """ names: dict = { (): 'undef', (0,): 'nf', (1,): 'nt', (0, 0): 'uf', (0, 1): 'id', (1, 0): 'not', (1, 1): 'ut', (0, 0, 0, 0): 'bf', (0, 0, 0, 1): 'and', (0, 0, 1, 0): 'nimp', (0, 0, 1, 1): 'fst', (0, 1, 0, 0): 'nif', (0, 1, 0, 1): 'snd', (0, 1, 1, 0): 'xor', (0, 1, 1, 1): 'or', (1, 0, 0, 0): 'nor', (1, 0, 0, 1): 'xnor', (1, 0, 1, 0): 'nsnd', (1, 0, 1, 1): 'if', (1, 1, 0, 0): 'nfst', (1, 1, 0, 1): 'imp', (1, 1, 1, 0): 'nand', (1, 1, 1, 1): 'bt' } """Typical concise names for all nullary, unary, and binary operators.""" nullary: frozenset = {} # Populated at top-level, after this class definition. """Set of all nullary operators.""" unary: frozenset = {} # Populated at top-level, after this class definition. """Set of all unary operators.""" binary: frozenset = {} # Populated at top-level, after this class definition. """Set of all binary operators.""" every: frozenset = {} # Populated at top-level, after this class definition. """Set of all nullary, unary, and binary operators.""" def _to_ast( self: logical, index: int = 0, lower: int = 0, upper: Optional[int] = None ) -> Union[ast.Constant, ast.IfExp]: """ Construct an abstract syntax tree for a Python expression that computes the function corresponding to the supplied truth table. """ upper = len(self) if upper is None else upper # Base cases include those where the range is only one output value # and those where all output values in the supplied range are the same. if lower == upper - 1 or len(set(self[lower: upper])) == 1: return ast.Constant(value=self[lower: upper][0]) return ast.IfExp( test=ast.Compare( left=ast.Name(id='x' + str(index), ctx=ast.Load()), ops=[ast.Eq()], comparators=[ast.Constant(value=0)] ), body=self._to_ast(index + 1, lower, upper - ((upper - lower) // 2)), orelse=self._to_ast(index + 1, lower + ((upper - lower) // 2), upper) ) def __init__(self: logical, iterable): # pylint: disable=unused-argument super().__init__() if not all(isinstance(b, int) for b in self): raise TypeError('all entries in supplied truth table must be integers') if not all(b in (0, 1) for b in self): raise ValueError('all integers in supplied truth table must be 0 or 1') if len(self) != 0 and not len(self) == (2 ** (len(self).bit_length() - 1)): raise ValueError( 'number of elements in supplied truth table must be zero or a power of 2' )
[docs] def __call__( self: logical, *arguments: Union[Tuple[int, ...], Tuple[Iterable[int]]] ) -> int: """ Apply the function represented by this instance to zero or more integer arguments (where the arguments collectively represent an individual input row within a truth table) or to a single iterable of integers (where the entries of the iterable represent an individual input row within a truth table). >>> logical((1,))() 1 >>> logical((1, 0))(1) 0 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1))(0, 0) 1 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1))(1, 1) 1 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1))(1, 0) 0 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1))(0, 1) 0 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1))(1, 1, 0) 0 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1))([1, 1, 0]) 0 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1))((1, 1, 0)) 0 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1))((1, 1, 0)) 0 The supplied iterable of integers can be an `iterator <>`__, as well. >>> t = iter([1, 1, 0]) >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1))(t) 0 The instance corresponding to the nullary function with no defined output raises an exception when applied to an input. >>> logical(())() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: no defined output Any attempt to apply an instance to an invalid input raises an exception. >>> logical((1, 0))(2.3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: expecting zero or more integers or a single iterable of integers >>> logical((1, 0))(['abc']) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: expecting zero or more integers or a single iterable of integers >>> logical((1, 0))(2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: expecting an integer that is 0 or 1 """ if len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], arguments = tuple(arguments[0]) # Preserve items in case this is an iterator. if not all(isinstance(argument, int) for argument in arguments): raise TypeError('expecting zero or more integers or a single iterable of integers') if not all(argument in (0, 1) for argument in arguments): raise ValueError('expecting an integer that is 0 or 1') if len(self) == 0: raise ValueError('no defined output') if len(arguments) == 0: return self[0] if len(arguments) == 1: return self[[0, 1].index(arguments[0])] if len(arguments) == 2: return self[[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)].index(tuple(arguments))] inputs = list(itertools.product(*[(0, 1)]*self.arity())) return self[inputs.index(tuple(arguments))]
[docs] def name(self: logical) -> str: """ Return the typical concise name for this operator. >>> logical((0,)).name() 'nf' >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1)).name() 'xnor' >>> len([ for o in logical.nullary]) 2 >>> len([ for o in logical.unary]) 4 >>> len([ for o in logical.binary]) 16 """ return dict(logical.names)[self]
[docs] def arity(self: logical) -> int: """ Return the arity of this operator. >>> logical(()).arity() 0 >>> logical((1,)).arity() 0 >>> logical((1, 0)).arity() 1 >>> logical((1, 0, 0, 1)).arity() 2 """ return 0 if len(self) == 0 else int(math.log2(len(self)))
[docs] def compiled(self: logical) -> logical: """ Return a new instance (representing the same logical function) that has a new ``function`` attribute corresponding to a compiled version of the logical function it represents. >>> (logical((1,)).compiled()).function() 1 >>> (logical((1, 0)).compiled()).function(1) 0 >>> f = logical((1, 0, 0, 1)) >>> g = f.compiled() >>> g.function(1, 1) 1 >>> f = logical((1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)) >>> g = f.compiled() >>> g.function(0, 0, 0) 1 >>> g.function(1, 1, 0) 0 The function is constructed by translating the truth table into an abstract syntax tree of a corresponding Python function definition (using the :obj:`ast` module), compiling that function definition (using the built-in :obj:`compile` function), executing that function definition (using :obj:`exec`), and then assigning that function to the ``function`` attribute. While the compiled function increases the amount of memory consumed by an instance, the execution time of the compiled function on an input is usually at most half of the execution time of the :obj:`~logical.__call__` method. """ # Compile the function corresponding to the truth table (enabling faster # evaluation of the returned instance on inputs). instance = logical(self) function_ast = ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Module( body=[ ast.FunctionDef( name='function', args=ast.arguments( args=[ast.arg(arg='x' + str(i)) for i in range(self.arity())], posonlyargs=[], kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], defaults=[] ), body=[ast.Return(value=self._to_ast())], decorator_list=[] ) ], type_ignores=[] )) # Compile and execute the function definition using the object itself as the # scope (thus assigning the function to an attribute of the new instance) exec( # pylint: disable=exec-used compile(function_ast, '<string>', 'exec'), instance.__dict__ ) return instance
undef_: logical = None """ Nullary operation with no defined output. """ nf_: logical = None """ Nullary **FALSE** (constant) operation. +-----------+ | ``nf_()`` | +-----------+ | ``0`` | +-----------+ """ nt_: logical = None """ Nullary **TRUE** (constant) operation. +-----------+ | ``nt_()`` | +-----------+ | ``1`` | +-----------+ """ uf_: logical = None """ Unary **FALSE** (constant) operation. +-------+------------+ | ``x`` | ``uf_(x)`` | +-------+------------+ | ``0`` | ``0`` | +-------+------------+ | ``1`` | ``0`` | +-------+------------+ """ id_: logical = None """ Unary **IDENTITY** operation. +-------+------------+ | ``x`` | ``id_(x)`` | +-------+------------+ | ``0`` | ``0`` | +-------+------------+ | ``1`` | ``1`` | +-------+------------+ """ not_: logical = None """ Unary **NOT** operation (*i.e.*, negation). +-------+-------------+ | ``x`` | ``not_(x)`` | +-------+-------------+ | ``0`` | ``1`` | +-------+-------------+ | ``1`` | ``0`` | +-------+-------------+ """ ut_: logical = None """ Unary **TRUE** (constant) operation. +-------+------------+ | ``x`` | ``ut_(x)`` | +-------+------------+ | ``0`` | ``1`` | +-------+------------+ | ``1`` | ``1`` | +-------+------------+ """ bf_: logical = None """ Binary **FALSE** (constant) operation. +------------+---------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``bf_(x, y)`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+---------------+ """ and_: logical = None """ Binary **AND** operation (*i.e.*, conjunction). +------------+----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``and_(x, y)`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ """ nimp_: logical = None """ Binary **NIMP** operation (*i.e.*, ``>``). +------------+-----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``nimp_(x, y)`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ """ fst_: logical = None """ Binary **FST** operation (*i.e.*, first/left-hand input). +------------+----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``fst_(x, y)`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ """ nif_: logical = None """ Binary **NIF** operation (*i.e.*, ``<``). +------------+----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``nif_(x, y)`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ """ snd_: logical = None """ Binary **SND** operation (*i.e.*, second/right-hand input). +------------+----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``snd_(x, y)`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ """ xor_: logical = None """ Binary **XOR** operation (*i.e.*, ``!=``). +------------+----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``xor_(x, y)`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ """ or_: logical = None """ Binary **OR** operation (*i.e.*, disjunction). +------------+---------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``or_(x, y)`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ """ nor_: logical = None """ Binary **NOR** operation. +------------+----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``nor_(x, y)`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ """ xnor_: logical = None """ Binary **XNOR** operation (*i.e.*, ``==``). +------------+-----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``xnor_(x, y)`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ """ nsnd_: logical = None """ Binary **NSND** operation (*i.e.*, negation of second/right-hand input). +------------+-----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``nsnd_(x, y)`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ """ if_: logical = None """ Binary **IF** operation. +------------+---------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``if_(x, y)`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ """ nfst_: logical = None """ Binary **NFST** operation (*i.e.*, negation of first/left-hand input). +------------+-----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``nfst_(x, y)`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ """ imp_: logical = None """ Binary **IMP** operation (*i.e.*, implication or ``<=``). +------------+----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``imp_(x, y)`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``0`` | +------------+----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+----------------+ """ nand_: logical = None """ Binary **NAND** operation (*i.e.*, negation of conjunction). +------------+-----------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``nand_(x, y)`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+-----------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``0`` | +------------+-----------------+ """ bt_: logical = None """ Binary **TRUE** (constant) operation. +------------+---------------+ | ``(x, y)`` | ``bt_(x, y)`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(0, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(0, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(1, 0)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ | ``(1, 1)`` | ``1`` | +------------+---------------+ """
# All operators as named class constants. logical.undef_ = logical(()) logical.nf_ = logical((0,)) logical.nt_ = logical((1,)) logical.uf_ = logical((0, 0)) logical.id_ = logical((0, 1)) logical.not_ = logical((1, 0)) logical.ut_ = logical((1, 1)) logical.bf_ = logical((0, 0, 0, 0)) logical.and_ = logical((0, 0, 0, 1)) logical.nimp_ = logical((0, 0, 1, 0)) logical.fst_ = logical((0, 0, 1, 1)) logical.nif_ = logical((0, 1, 0, 0)) logical.snd_ = logical((0, 1, 0, 1)) logical.xor_ = logical((0, 1, 1, 0)) logical.or_ = logical((0, 1, 1, 1)) logical.nor_ = logical((1, 0, 0, 0)) logical.xnor_ = logical((1, 0, 0, 1)) logical.nsnd_ = logical((1, 0, 1, 0)) logical.if_ = logical((1, 0, 1, 1)) logical.nfst_ = logical((1, 1, 0, 0)) logical.imp_ = logical((1, 1, 0, 1)) logical.nand_ = logical((1, 1, 1, 0)) logical.bt_ = logical((1, 1, 1, 1)) # All operators as top-level constants. undef_: logical = logical.undef_ nf_: logical = logical.nf_ nt_: logical = logical.nt_ uf_: logical = logical.uf_ id_: logical = logical.id_ not_: logical = logical.not_ ut_: logical = logical.ut_ bf_: logical = logical.bf_ and_: logical = logical.and_ nimp_: logical = logical.nimp_ fst_: logical = logical.fst_ nif_: logical = logical.nif_ snd_: logical = logical.snd_ xor_: logical = logical.xor_ or_: logical = logical.or_ nor_: logical = logical.nor_ xnor_: logical = logical.xnor_ nsnd_: logical = logical.nsnd_ if_: logical = logical.if_ nfst_: logical = logical.nfst_ imp_: logical = logical.imp_ nand_: logical = logical.nand_ bt_: logical = logical.bt_ # Useful class constants: containers of all operators. logical.nullary = frozenset({nf_, nt_}) logical.unary = frozenset({uf_, id_, not_, ut_}) logical.binary = frozenset({ bf_, and_, nimp_, fst_, nif_, snd_, xor_, or_, nor_, xnor_, nsnd_, if_, nfst_, imp_, nand_, bt_ }) logical.every = frozenset(logical.nullary | logical.unary | logical.binary) # Top-level constants corresponding to class constants for containers. nullary: frozenset = logical.nullary unary: frozenset = logical.unary binary: frozenset = logical.binary every: frozenset = logical.every if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod() # pragma: no cover